I come from a musical family.
Not musical in the sense that we sat around a campfire on the weekend singing kumbayah in three part harmony (our idea of camping was getting the front row "cabin" in a caravan park, complete with spa bath...), but in the sense that I was singing "Lovely Ladies" from Les Mis well before I was singing "Toffee Apple" by Peter Coombes...
As a consequence, it would be very interesting to silently follow me while I'm "out bush".
I have spent the last week wandering through the Lake District of England. Think hills, lakes and a SHIT LOAD OF RAIN. In an observation of myself, it would appear that nothing is better than 10kg worth of backpack strapped to me, a hill to walk up and a musical tune to belt out:
This is me in the middle of the "shalllllllllllll" in "Shall we dance..."
A little azy-cay in the ead-hay. Yes.
This was followed very closely by my "Joseph and the not-so-Technicolour dreamcoat" impersonation...
I cannot stress this enough:
Especially walking by yourself.
The insights are priceless.
Many of which I am now sufficiently addicted to.
1. You can get seriously reflective and have the tendency to take photo's of these ridiculously pensive moments: Chel tells me this looks like my very own Nike ad...
2. You learn to trust your instincts in terms of direction. Or as i like to call it "the way of the stick".
3. You figure it out. And by this I mean you learn NEVER TO DO THAT AGAIN.
4. You ignite that child-like wonder and end up in hectic places like Slate Mines learning about volcanic ash.
5. You learn how to share space in a hostel and the benefit of labeling your food.
6. You realise that there is WAY MORE to life than the office...