Monday, August 3, 2009

Make me feel proud.

There is a reason why gay anthems revolve around "the PM".

"I love the nightlife" was always going to be the better option to "I love mid-morning".

This is why during the season of gay festivities I always find it rather odd that we should converge in the daylight. There are just some things that are better left to the backrooms of the homo-high streets.

So a daylight Pride march in Brighton, UK was always going to be an interesting one. especially because the forecast (not surprisingly) was for RAIN.

Some of us were prepared. Most of us had to fork out £8 for the umbrella that was just never going to be sufficient. We put on a brave face.

Unfortunately, there was a sufficient lack of spontaneous gay (happy) nakedness that I'm sure my Australian counterparts would have indulged in.

Looks like heaps of fun doesn't it?!
You see?! We should have all stayed in doors!!


What you're missing said...

Proud of you!

Anonymous said...

sorry didn't realise i would come up as 'what you're missing'. in case that happens again, it's kerry c.

Baley Petersen said...

Living in Portland, Oregon (the rainiest of the states), our Pride fest is always in the rain! You're right about the daytime thing, though...why don't we parade at night?!