Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Day One of Filming.

Turns out that NO ONE has a Strawberry Costume for rent.

Pinapples, Check.
Oranges, Check.
Banana's, Check.
Strawberries? NO.

How were we supposed to film the Strawberry Song without a strawberry man?! So we made our own (and when I say "we" I actually mean our in-house costume designer Sarah slaved over this with the help of Ria).

Filming was scheduled for today. 11am.

Unfortunately the temperamental nature of San Francisco's weather delayed our joy. We had to longingly wait for the weather to pass.

We finally got Allen suited up at 4pm:

A little self-doubt crept over the poor strawberry's face.

But with defiance he took to the streets.

Day 1: It's a wrap.

1 comment:

Master said...

Why didn't you think this up when I was there?