If I wasn't before, I am now officially in my "late twenties". Time is surely running out! I spent the day in New York with way too much self permission to do and eat whatever the hell I wanted...
Starting with Breakfast at the Seinfield diner...

Birthday cake for brunch in Time Square...

A stop by Dylan's Candy Bar to check out the staircase made of lollies and get some Willy Wonka Chocolate goodness into me...

Before wandering down the street to Serendipity3 to sample the world famous "Frozen Hot Chocolate"...

NOW. At this point I am on the most ridiculous sugar high, barely able to stand up and wondering if Diabetic Coma's are induced by too much or too little sugar. I pressed on.
Needing some time and space away from ANYTHING resembling food, I headed to Central Park to listen to the busker play Beatles songs beside the John Lennon Memorial:

Suitably inspired and slightly hungry (I suspect the Frozen Hot Chocolate was HIGH in Glycemic Index rank), I headed to SOHO to get a little celebrity injection by seeing PHOEBE FROM FRIENDS!!! Oh...and Brooke Shields.

They were doing an instore appearance at the Apple store to promote a new show. Very cool. In Australia, this event would have been MENTAL! Here...a mere 200 people show up to passively listen to celebrities - a massive cultural difference!
Ok, we're nearly done here. DINNER was next, so I decided to head over to Joe's Shanghai for the famous soup dumpling. By then, I'd reached my quota. I mean, I had actually reached my daily calorie intake limit by about 9am, but by 7pm I really felt like I had done the Birthday self-permission thing justice.
Oh...and then finished off with a trip to Broadway to see Mamma Mia!

What a day. I actually haven't even been able to look at chocolate since this little episode!
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