Australian Backpackers.
Pretending to be a dumb tourist.
Bribing Transport Officers.
Losing friends and finding new ones.
Dodgy kebabs for dinner.
Running out of Euro's.
Skype calls to Chel.
Showers with automatic 7-second cut-offs.
Six-hour train rides.
Playing guitar by campfires with randoms.
Not caring that it's raining.
Sim cards for new countries.
Internet hitchiking.
Sleeping bags.
Red T-shirt, shorts and hiking socks.
Walking shoes.
Check-out by 10am.
Hangovers (well, maybe).
Bottom Bunks.
Top Bunks.
Washing clothes in the bathroom sink.
Washing clothes with shampoo.
Paid-by-the-minute internet.
Tours. Free or otherwise.
Train stations.
New Cities.
New People.
90c beer in Slovakia.
Rotating two t-shirts for five months.
Paying for sheets.
Midnight medieval walks.
Concentration camps.
Stealing from the breakfast buffet for lunch.
Postcards home.
BYO Toilet Paper.
Medieval/Zombie festivals.
Walking for six hours a day.
Fare Evasion.
Showering wearing crocs.
16-bed dorms.
Digging around in a backpack.
Having to perfect my backpack tetris/re-packing skills.
Walking in torrential rain.
Daily adventures.
Hoping it never ends.
For now...