So we're having a lovely day. And I mean lovely in the way that I'm trying so hard to be happy about being on a bike with a hangover, but loving the fact I have familiar faces in town and it's a beautiful day...
Fast forward an hour or so and we find ourselves digging into a bit of fish and chips by the sea in Sausalito...
Simon: "Hey! Look at that crab!"
Sally: "Where?! I can't see it"
Simon: "There! Just down by the rock! About seven metres away. It's a great big crab just sunning itself out on the rocks there...wow, what a beautiful crab"
Dara: "Oh yeah I see it"
Sally: "Where?! I still can't find it"
Dara: "Oh look, let me just pick up this rock and throw it near the crab and you can see where it lands - you'll be able to see the crab then"
Dara grabs a rock which resembles more of a boulder and casually launches it in the direction of the crab...
Crab gets annihilated.
I felt like I had killed a baby dolphin.
Hence, this became NOT "that lovely day we rode our bikes over the Golden Gate and down into Sausalito", but rather "The day Dara killed the crab".
Tragic. I'm still not over it.

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