Lombard Street. Ok. Apparently it has quite a bit of fame in San Fran. Ever the uneducated American sight-see-er, I had no idea.
So mum emails me. Says "you need to check out the windiest street in San Francisco, it's famous!". I read this as WINDY as in WIND as in "air in natural motion, as that moving horizontally at any velocity along the earth's surface". So here I am, new in town, asking all the locals "where is the windiest street in San Francisco?"
Some said California Street.
Some said Columbus.
Some said "Market at the Embarcadero end at around 5pm".
It wasn't until THREE MONTHS IN to staying in San Fran that I realised WINDY actually meant WINDY. As in crooked, as in OH MY GOD DARA THIS IS THE MOST FAMOUS STREET IN SAN FRANCISCO HOW DID YOU NOT KNOW THIS.
Turns out it was two blocks from me the whole time.

There you go. The Windiest street in the world. I totally knew that.
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